DBSA Southern Nevada will be hosting a vision board event on

January 4th from 12pm-2pm at

Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital.

Some items will be provided but feel free to bring your own poster board, magazines, scissor, glue, tape, and colored paper.



First Wednesday 


6:00pm - 7:30pm

Henderson Equality Center

1490 W Sunset Rd Unit 120

Henderson, NV 89014


Third Wednesday


6:00pm - 7:30pm Rawson-Neal Hospital

1650 Community College Dr.

Las Vegas, NV


Training Room A






Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance Southern Nevada is meeting on Zoom every Thursday at the same time.

Meeting ID: 838 1446 1908
Passcode: 644787

Members are encouraged to use as a place to connect with other members in-between meetings, and to obtain updates from DBSA Southern NV. MeWe can be accessed via Android, Apple, and desktop. Please register on MeWe at the link below.


This online group at allows us to maintain an open group chat, and disseminate information to group members.



The national DBSA online support groups can be found at


For assistance accessing or navigating the online group please contact 702-625-0495

Support is essential to recovery. One of the most helpful things one person can say to (or hear from) another is “I’ve been there.” Depression and Bipolar Disorder can be isolating illnesses, but DBSA has many ways to help connect you with others who have been there as well.



           Call or Text





Dr. Martin Fakiel, MD and contributing members. 




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National Crisis Hotline: 9-8-8